Day Four (Tuesday 10/31/2023)

Whew, what a day!!

We’re in the middle of the rainy season here in Honduras, yet the Lord held it off for a big part of the day today. Amongst all of the various things going on, projects resumed all over Blossom Creek. But before we got to work…

This morning’s devotional was led by Ronnie Mathis from the book of Daniel. The theme, “God’s Got This”, was the foundation of the message as we heard about 3 teenage Hebrew boys standing against all odds for the sake of their God. As Ronnie transitioned to the story of his wife Beth, we were consumed with emotion as each person in the room seemed to find comfort in our common bond in the Lord’s sovereign goodness in the midst of our circumstances.

After breakfast, we separated into our different roles and as you can see, accomplished much for the Lord’s glory today. While we look forward to tomorrow, we strategically plan for another rainy day while maximizing the opportunity to deepen relationships in so many ways.


Day Five (Wednesday 11/1/2023)


Day Three (Monday 10/30/2023)